A message from OUR FOUNDER Bob schmeltz

In my family, hunting, fishing, and trapping are a family tradition handed down from one generation to the next. I have such great memories of my father and uncles taking me into the woods with them and teaching me the same skills that were taught to them by my grandfather, as his father had taught him. Going hunting on early fall mornings and trekking through the woods; the bonding time I experienced when hunting with my father is what some of my fondest childhood memories are made of.

Becoming a hunter very early in life developed my relationship with nature, and I became a conservationist. My family taught me about nature and animals, and to only harvest what was needed and to leave the woods as we found them. That the balance of taking and giving is the responsibility of hunters to ensure that the fields, forests, and animals would still be available for generations to come.

As an adult getting out into the woods has been great for me.  It always lifts my spirit, clears my mind and helps me relax, which has been invaluable to me in this fast-paced world to slow down and enjoy some peaceful time in nature.

The family tradition of hunting and the great outdoors has become a cornerstone of my life; it taught me how to respect firearms, use them correctly, and conservatively for sport and most importantly to protect the lives of my family and loved ones.

I wanted to develop this website not only as a way to connect with others who share my passion for hunting but to encourage parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, to consider making hunting a tradition in your family with your children. Teaching a child to hunt will help them develop into well-rounded adults with positive life skills in discipline, patience, endurance, and learning to deal with disappointment, all while creating a lifetime of great family memories.